
Working Together

What We Do

AgReach empowers men, women, and underserved groups worldwide to improve the quality of their food, farming methods, and lives. 

AgReach strengthens extension services for all, and in doing so provides customized, innovative solutions that are both human and scalable. We empower smallholder farmers by giving them access to information and new technology which enables them to achieve their full potential. Together, we build sustainable social capital that lasts. 

Supporting Demand-Driven Development

AgReach operates at the forefront of demand-driven development by working to identify and respond to needs expressed and prioritized at the local level and by building agency and advocacy capacity to allow end-users a greater voice in their own development. Our program improves the functionality of stakeholder platforms, supports decentralization and local ownership, and improves governance to be more equitable and beneficial to all citizens.

Promoting Gender Equity

All people, regardless of gender and gender-related factors, deserve equal access to development opportunities. AgReach delivers services and information that break gender barriers, promote equity and leadership, and empower women in their organizations and communities. Our program strengthens the capacity of institutions to better incorporate gender-related strategies, tools, and approaches into their work.

Innovating the Future of Extension

By innovating alongside local partners, AgReach is paving the way for the future of extension while maximizing and building local talent. Developing context-adequate digital innovations for capacity-building at the micro -and macro-levels will be necessary to reach Global Development Goals. We work towards a world where decisions are data-driven, resulting in informed decisions backed with validated field-level data to strengthen M&E and increase the value per dollar of extension services. 

Engaging Youth

AgReach works with partners worldwide to engage youth with programming that maximizes their potential, meets their evolving needs, and delivers lasting impacts. Our program builds capacities, provides livelihood and entrepreneurship opportunities, and promotes social engagement and community-based leadership.
